Friday, June 18, 2010

Estate Sale Heaven

Some estate sales just "move" me. I am so curious about the person who lived a life and whose worldly possessions and once cherished treasures are now available for complete strangers to rummage about in.

This was the estate sale of a former artist. I loved looking at her work and overheard her nephew telling someone that she had won many awards and taught. He was not the one putting on the sale, just dropping by, and he said he had probably spent 20 Christmases in this house.

Tools of the artist's trade. These are china paints.

The pile of brushes made me feel melancholy somehow.

And wow, what treasures she once had.

Gorgeous antique brass bed. Reminds me of that Dylan song, which I heard today, actually.

Precious dolls.

This chandelier was to die for!

Awesome settee.

The headboard was massive.

And the matching vanity had a marble top.

I'll post some of the goodies I picked up soon. Including an antique black pair of child's button up boots.

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