Friday, July 23, 2010

Mission Road Antique Mall

Swoon. I've been looking for a new coffee table for my living room and this beauty will be mine if it's still around when I scrape up the moolah to buy it.

If money were no object, I would own everything in this dealer's booth.

Styling genius at work.

Old lead ornament. Don't suck on it!!!!

This was one of a pair.

I've been bitten by the junk bug. Just submitted my application to join this fabulous mall in September and the owner said she liked my pics and would call me to see a space soon!! As if I need another hobby . . .


  1. Good luck on getting that booth--looks like you'll be in excellent company. Some people just know how to style, don't they? Wow!

  2. WOWZA...and I bet a pretty price tag too, but what great stuff. Love the faces...just great stuff!!!

    Got the check...tanks sista!!!
